Showing respect

(and what should their employer/training encourage them to do as individuals…)

  • Learn to understand what others actually believe and value, and let them express this in their own terms;
  • Respect the convictions of others about food, dress and social etiquette and not behave in ways which cause needless offence;
  • Recognise that all of us at times fall short of the ideals of our own traditions and never compare our own ideals with other people’s practices;
  • Work to prevent disagreement form leading to conflict;
  • Don’t misrepresent or disparage other people’s beliefs and practices;
  • Correct misunderstanding or misrepresentations not only of our own but also of other faiths whenever we come across them;
  • Respect another person’s expressed wish to be left alone;
  • Avoid imposing ourselves and our views on individuals;
  • Be sensitive and courteous;
  • Avoid violent action or language, threats, manipulation, improper inducements, or the misuse of any kind of power;
  • Respect the right of other to disagree with us;
  • Be aware that racial, cultural and ethnic identity are often inter-related with religion/faith;
  • Understand that religion/belief may sometimes be a stronger motivator for discriminatory sentiment and behaviour than race, culture or ethnicity;
  • Ask staff how they would like to be addressed, how to pronounce their name and how to spell it;
  • Become well informed – if you are not sure, ask (appropriate/relevant) questions and find out more information;
  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect – ‘do as you would be done by’;
  • Recognise and guard against your own prejudices. Everyone has them;
  • Don’t assume that treating everyone in the same way is the same thing as treating everyone fairly;
  • Be aware of the different value systems applied by staff of different genders, cultures, faith. For example, some staff members may feel comfortable about other knowing about what faith they adhere to and openness can take various forms e.g. dress, displaying symbols, discussion. Other may be less open for reasons for confidentiality, for fear of rejection/harassment/bullying;