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Jains believe that devotions to any god figure would be pointless as God (or the Gods)is not involved in doing or undoing things in the human  realm.

To perform any devotions therefore, would not lead to liberation.

While Jains recognise that there is no real place for Bhakti (devotion) or Pooja (worship), they do in practice have certain worship practices.

In Jainism there are certain entities which are acceptable for ritual devotions, they are:

  • The Tirthankaras (there are 24 human saviours recognised)
  • The Arhant (worthy of worship)
  • The Siddha (liberated soul)
  • The Sadhu (monk)
  • The Dharm (religion)
  • The Mangals (four auspicious entities)
  • The Lokottams (four supreme entities)

Many Jains worship at temple everyday, while others do so much less frequently. For Jainism worship is a means to personal spiritual and karmic development, it is not actually worship for exultation or devotion to any particular entity.

Jains worship in temples which contain images of the 24 Tirthankaras. There is usually one central being in the temple with other smaller representations throughout the building. Jains worship through meditation, offerings and prayer. Prayers are not made in any form of petitioning to a greater being for grace or influence, instead they tend remember great qualities of their religious saviours.


Jainism does not recognise really have any type of clergy, though Svetambara Jains do have priests (who’s only purpose is to assist in rituals, not to direct or guide other Jains).