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Diversiton’s latest initiative on Spiritual Inclusion has already been described as ‘insightful’, ‘contextually relevant’ and ‘ahead of its time’. Do you ‘love the aspiration’ or ‘the pragmatic approach’? Are you ‘keen to contribute to this ground breaking and positive work’?





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Religious diversity over the last 20 years, especially with the introduction of equality legislation, has encouraged us to look at and explore the differences between religion and belief traditions.

Unfortunately, this has not led to the improvements in society and community well-being that we would have wished for. Indeed, economic and social changes have helped to foster a culture of caution and fear about faith.

There seems to be an underlying and growing distrust around religion and ethnicity. This distrust is becoming embedded as hate crime continues to rise, more borders are created and there is an ongoing call to exclude or distance ourselves from those outside of ‘us’. As a result, we see religion itself becoming more marginalised or less relevant to mainstream thinking.

Perhaps it is time to look beyond religious diversity with mutually exclusive religious organisations and opposing versions of the truth in our search for a more collaborative approach. Perhaps we need to shift our focus to one of Spiritual Inclusion with its emphasis on what we all have in common and on those in need.

Indeed, for too long diversity has been about differences between each of us. We focus on colour, gender, sexuality, religion or ethnicity and totally miss what makes all of us special – our skills, passions, experience, purpose and most importantly, our common humanity.

Diversity should be about should be exploring and building upon the unique potential of each person rather than highlighting the differences between us. One forces us into an ‘us and them’ (exclusive) mentality whereas the other can ignite our curiosity and creativity (and encourage inclusion).

This is where Spiritual Inclusion may help. It offers a framework and methodology which is a strategic force for kindness and compassion. It shows how it is possible for us all to work together (because of our differences) and at the same time cherish our traditions and perspectives.

Spiritual inclusion welcomes everyone including all those with little or no interest in religion or God.  Spirituality is not the same as religion. Spirituality is simply that part of each of us that connects us to all that is.

Spiritual Inclusion provides a gentler space that can uphold the prophets, philosophers and pilgrims of the past – one that unites their sense of goodness, righteousness and love – and that speaks generously to all.

We can honour them and share the common message of love which is found in all religious and philosophical traditions, called The Golden Rule or the Ethic of Reciprocity. This message encourages us ‘to treat all others as you would like them to treat you’.

Given what is happening around us, it is no longer enough to sit passively and talk about difference or diversity. Spiritual Inclusion is a personal invitation to reach out, collaborate in new ways and include everyone.

Spiritual Inclusion offers a unique opportunity for each of us and our organisations. For it is us, in our positions of plenty, who need to embrace all others if we are to be fully human and fulfil our potential.




Who for?

This is an important workshop for all staff but especially trainers, managers and those involved with diversity, HR, religion or inclusion. Packed with fresh perspectives and new thinking the workshop will enable organisations to update their policies and practices to deliver a much more inclusive and effective model of diversity.


The 14 Models of Inclusion – to know and apply!

Model 1 – Spiritual Inclusion

Model 2 – Community development – a business model for sustainability

Model 3 – Complete Personal Development

Model 4 – Inner learning for all

Model 5 – Cultural cohesion – radicalisation, immigration and cultural competence

Model 6 – Collaborative working and co-creation

Model 7 – The upside-down triangle of empowerment

Model 8 – Unleashing potential (Pick n mix / Harvesting techniques)

Model 8 – ‘New space’ for engagement

Model 9 – Spiritual peace building for all

Model 10 – Why social inclusion is not enough

Model 11 – Legacy building

Model 12 – Organisation Culture Shift – managing staff for inclusion

Model 13 – Putting it all together – the new Diversity Map

Model 14 – Designing Spiritual Inclusion initiatives – a template


Key points

  • Towards a more inclusive model of diversity.
  • Why promote difference when we can celebrate commonality?
  • Recent developments in religious diversity
  • Spirituality versus religion – what’s the difference?
  • Spirituality at work
  • Is there a place for prayer rooms?
  • What is spirituality?
  • How can we promote spiritual inclusion in the workplace
  • Models of collaboration and engagement
  • Reaching out beyond organisation Engaging communities
  • Engaging faith communities in spiritual inclusion
  • Why Spiritual inclusion is core to your diversity strategy
  • How to measure the business benefits of spiritual inclusion
  • Why is social inclusion not enough? Linking social inclusion and spiritual inclusion
  • Corporate social responsibility and spiritual inclusion
  • Training all staff in spiritual inclusion
  • Writing your spiritual inclusion policy – a template
  • Creating a Spiritual Inclusion initiative – initial steps


Organisational outputs

One key output from the workshop will be to engage delegates/organisations in developing Spiritual Inclusion processes and creating a network of practical Spiritual Inclusion initiatives – as learning / case studies to be shared.









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Local Workshop on Spiritual Inclusion

Delivery Partners

Would you like to work with us to host an Open workshop on ‘Spiritual Inclusion’ in your area?

Des McCabe is currently scheduling an initial series of workshops (throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland)  in October and November. Please contact him if your organisation has access to a training facility and would like to work with Diversiton in promoting and delivering this workshop locally.

Des McCabe – / 07717 203325



In-house Workshop – Practical Details

Numbers / Cost

Would you like an in-house ‘Spiritual Inclusion’ workshop to explore the potential for your organisation and staff?

Suitable for 8 – 28  staff. /  The cost is £900 per in-house workshop (inclusive of travel and accommodation expenses).

Suggested Times

Morning Event: 9:30am-1:00pm (Registration from 9:00am). Afternoon sessions are also available.

Contact Us

Please email or call Sharon on 02841 754777 for more information or to discuss the programme.