Training in Diversity and Respect – half day and one day courses

The Diversiton team provide a wide range of workshops. These are all tailored to individual organisation needs so please contact us. Below are details of one of our most popular one day in-house workshops.  

Respect in the Workplace

Easy to follow Strategies, Practical Checklists and Best Practice Case Studies
for building and promoting respect throughout your Organisation.

Don’t miss this opportunity for building and promoting respect throughout your Organisation!



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‘Respect is the foundation stone of organisation effectiveness.  It encourages us recognise the
skills and experience of every individual and to work together to maximise our collective potential’.

Content of the Workshop

Individual responsibility and organisation effectiveness.
What is the ‘Impact and Cost’ of not building respect in the workplace?
Organisation culture and ‘the way we do things’.

The Ethic of Reciprocity or “The Golden Rule”.
What’s happening with the Government’s ‘Respect Agenda?.
What exactly are ‘Fundamental British Values’?
Alienation, Exclusion and Radicalisation – what can we do?
Ghandi’s ‘Accelerating Kindness’ approach and methodology.

Defining your Organisation’s Core Values
Delivering Respect – HR policies and procedures
Respect in practice – emails, meetings and communications.
Building and promoting respect – 24 point checklist.
Respect Top 5 ‘Do’s and Don’ts ’ for employees at work.
Promoting Respect – Best practice case studies and examples across the UK.

Promoting your Organisation Core Values.
Writing (or updating) your Respect Policy
How to carry out a ‘Respect Audit’ in your organisation.
‘Respect Reminders’ for Managers.
Making Respect visible – day to day operations
Action Plan and Priorities.


Who is this Workshop for?

This is an important workshop for all staff. By bringing a selection of
staff together you can also build relationships across your organisation,
promote co-operative working and support creative thinking/innovation.

The workshop has been delivered to suit different audiences/needs, e.g.,

– HR personnel throughout the organisation
– The Senior Management Team
– All staff in a specific geographical location
– Supervisors, Team Leaders and Managers



Organisations usually choose a morning or afternoon session:
Morning session 9.30am – 1.00pm
Afternoon session 1.30pm – 5.00pm
A 15 minute break is scheduled. 

If required evening or weekend sessions can be arranged at no additional cost.


Motherwell 'Back To Work' TOUR 2012 (2)

Numbers & Cost

The workshop offers excellent value per person and can be
delivered to 8 staff up to 200 staff.
The all-inclusive cost is £995 per workshop (up to 30 staff)
The all-inclusive cost is £1,395 per workshop (31 – 200 staff)

This is inclusive of all development, delivery, expenses, ebooks for staff and follow-up report.

No VAT is payable. Diversiton is non profit making.


Free Respect ebook for all staff

Each participant receives a copy of ‘The Respect ebook’ by Des McCabe (RRP £5.95).



Please contact Sharon Cowan to discuss dates or particular requirements. Tel: 028 417 54777 or email sharon(at)




Respect – 10 Point ACTION PLAN

1. Promote your values. What are the Respect values in your organisation? How do you define fundamental ‘British’ values? And how is all of this made real in the day-to-day workplace? Send an email to all staff confirming your organisations values.

2. Become more inclusive. Make a conscious effort to reach out and work with all of those in your organisation – especially those who could feel excluded in anyway, be it by ethnicity, position, race, current role, religion, job insecurity, culture, etc.

3. Deliver Respect in practice. Emails are consistently one of the biggest areas of concern for lack of Respect amongst staff. Review your workplace communications – email, meetings and the way staff sometimes speak to each other.

4. Update (or write) your Respect Policy. Make sure your organisation has a Respect policy, create a clear Respect strategy and plan – and then define behaviours, standards and key activities.

5. Provide training in Respect for your staff. How high is Respect on your training priorities? Do your staff understand ‘the golden rule’ or the ‘ethic of reciprocity’? If you only book ONE HALF DAY of training next year make sure it’s in Respect. We can train 8-200 on our most popular half day workshop (see above).

6. Engage all staff. Put Respect and inclusion on the agenda of meetings. Ask staff and colleagues for their views. Encourage them to think about the building positive relationships across the organisation. Build Respect from the bottom up as well as from the top down.

7. Review all organisation literature – including HR policies and procedures. What does your recruitment or appraisal policy for example, say about Respect values and behaviours?

8. Recognise and reward success behaviours. Does recognition go further than sales performance or efficiency targets? Does your working environment value and reward kindness, staff who are supportive of others, community spirit or voluntary work? Promote these successes.

9. Undertake a ‘Respect Audit’. Create your own questionnaires, review policies and systems, carry out surveys and monitor through appraisal interviews or checklists – or use the Diversiton Respect Framework.

10. Take action. Remember Respect starts with each of us. Could we be a little more patient at times, in less of a hurry with others or ask colleagues for their input more? Re-look at the list above, talk about some ideas with your colleagues and take action now …..