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Peace Building

Diversiton is dedicated to inclusion and creating opportunities for all. We grew out of the Northern Ireland Peace process in 1998 and have continued since then to work across the world supporting organisations and individuals with peace building initiatives. Diversiton is non-profit making.

We are currently providing support in the preparation and delivery of Peace and Reconciliation Action Plans 2014- 2020 for Councils in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties.

Initiatives, Training and Support

As well as the ongoing work in Northern Ireland, Diversiton and its Partners are currently delivering a range of Peace consultancy/community empowerment initiatives across the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Some of these include:

  • Designing Peace Education (and nonviolence) programmes internationally with Aaron Gandhi (the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi).
  • Delivering anti-radicalisation programmes for inner-city London training bodies.
  • Supporting the Baha’i community in Cyprus in their peace-building work in the Turkish controlled North and the Cypriot controlled South.
  • Consultancy work on sectarianism in Bahrain (Sunni and Shia).
  • Working on community engagement and empowerment initiatives with Government Departments in Scotland, Slovakia, Wales and Australia on priorities such as peace building, engagement, anti-sectarianism and peace education.

Our practical experience reflects the new and challenging local/global context for peace building and engagement that we are all faced with. It also offers the potential for innovation, new approaches and fresh thinking in the design of local initiatives.

Motherwell 'Back To Work' TOUR 2012 (2) banbridge community club des clonmel 4

Peace Building Workshops

An example of a 3 hour interactive Workshop (designed around your needs) might include some of the following topics:

  • Engaging Communities – creating a more inclusive and effective Consultation process
  • Peacebuilding in other world contexts – lessons for us
  • Peace Education – what, where, when and outcomes?
  • Becoming personal peacemakers – creating a sustainable and lasting legacy
  • Community Empowerment methods including ‘New Space’ and ‘Collective Effectiveness’
  • Gandhi’s Nonviolence curriculum
  • Spiritual Peacebuilding models
  • Identifying local priority issues and designing effective strategies to address these
  • Developing effective partnership approaches
  • Defining and quantifying outputs with measurable results
  • Shaping your Action plan to ensure a cohesive approach
  • Priorities

To consolidate all of this a planning report with key recommendations on activities and monitoring points will be produced after the Workshop.

Contact Des McCabe at any stage on +44 (0) 7717 203325 for further information.