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Diversiton Gandhi Centres


Diversiton is privileged to be working in partnership with Arun Gandhi (the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi) to establish a network of Diversiton Gandhi Centres across the world.  The aim of these new Centres is to promote community empowerment and inclusion through the joining of Gandhian philosophy, education and needs driven initiatives.

“Poverty is the worse form of violence,” Mahatma Gandhi said. Arun and his late wife, Sunanda, spent almost thirty  years in India working to help the oppressed and abandoned children, utilizing Gandhi’s philosophy of SARVODAYA — the Welfare of All Citizens.

Diversiton is now meeting with Governments to explore the potential and opportunity that Diversiton Gandhi Centres can offer in supporting empowerment, education and sustainability at a grass roots level.

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Supporting Empowerment, Education and Sustainability

In each new Country or location the process begins with a series of bottom-up initiatives which address real issues faced by individuals, communities and organisations in their day to day lives including poverty, sectarianism, unemployment, exclusion and conflict.

The aim of these initiatives, as well as helping people find new and effective ways to address and deal with these challenges, is to support empowerment and lasting change through a unique and innovative process of skills development, confidence building, learning, coaching and peer support.

Unlike traditional models of sustainability which tend to focus on the need for continued funding of institutional structures and the dependence upon grant aid, the sustainability of these Gandhi initiatives is embedded at an individual level – ‘Peace Farmers’ is what Arun Gandhi calls each of us.

New knowledge and skills, greater self-confidence and consistent behaviour change drive an on-going process of empowerment and action at an individual level, in our communities and organisations and throughout society which produces real and lasting change. 


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Message from Arun Gandhi

After a lecture on ‘Nonviolence in the 21st Century’ a 17 year old high school student asked me: What do you think your grandfather would have done if he was alive today? It is a difficult question to speculate on but I do know grandfather had an immense store of compassion and confidence in the goodness of human beings.

If he was alive today he would have started all over again working to change humanity. He firmly believed that a society will change only when people change. Which is why he repeatedly reminded us: we must become the change we wish to see in the world!

Join us

If your Government (Department or Agency) would like to find out about our approach and process or to explore how we might be able to help – please contact Des McCabe (Chief Executive at Diversiton)

 desmccabe(at) /  mobile +44 (0) 7717 203325

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