Apply now
The Awards are divided into 4 specific categories, to ensure that each organisation is specifically recognised as a Diversity leader in their own sector. These categories (and examples) are:
– Corporate (Private, PLC, Business)
– Public (All levels of Government, Education, NHS, Housing, Policing, Local Authorities, etc.)
– Not-For-Profit / Community (Charities and Voluntary Organisations)
– SME (Individual/Small businesses)
Please use the Online Application Form
You can download the Application Form here in Word format. You can complete this form and return by email.
Timescale and Registration Fees (please click on the flag on the right)
– Applications can be made at any stage for the Diversity Champion Award. Applications are now welcome for the 2015 Awards.
– All applications are assessed within two weeks. There is no cost to submit an application and there is no cost for the assessment.
– If your application is approved your Registration fee will be requested. As soon as payment is received your Organisation will be formally included as a Diversity Champion for 2015. Please click here for details of Registration fees.
– As soon as your registration is confirmed you will receive the Diversity Champion Award logo pack. This will help you to promote your organisation’s success.